Title: Nord Wave Still In Development Post by: elwoodblues1969 on October 04, 2007, 02:12:37 AM I noticed that Sweetwater already has a spot on thier website for this board and even a price.Seems very similar to that of the Modular G2X,including the price range,but nonethless,a very fascinating board.
I then checked out the Clavia website and they said there was still a few weeks to go in the develpoment process,but they do have audio samples though. www.clavia.se/main.asp Title: Re: Nord Wave Still In Development Post by: kara on October 04, 2007, 06:50:25 AM Don't believe everything you read on the internet ::)
I saw the add allso on a couple of dealer of dealer sites and since I'm a big clavia fan I took the phone and called my local music shop, who is a Clavia dealer. I got a pretty straight forward answer. They received a newsletters from Clavia that the Wave will be finalized in the fall of 2007 and with an expected endprice of blablabla. And that's it, I guess some big dealers jumped on the occassion to announce it for sale.... Now if i would do a wild guess, I would say that it will be ready for the end of the year, nice christmas gift ;D and that they will showcase it on the winter Namm. They have to showcase a new product on the winter namm and I think that will be it... k Title: Re: Nord Wave Still In Development Post by: kara on October 04, 2007, 08:08:09 AM Coincidences ;D
Clavia updated his main page : http://www.clavia.se/main.asp The wave will be available in a couple of weeks... depending on there definition of what a couple of weeks is ;) I wasn't that wrong after all ::) ;D k |