Kara-Moon Forum

Music Auditorium => From the Shadows... => Topic started by: SoundKlops on May 02, 2008, 09:43:58 AM

Title: Sleepless night
Post by: SoundKlops on May 02, 2008, 09:43:58 AM
It has happened again! Last night I heard strange voices. Then I could not sleep any more. So I jumped out of the bed and took up the voices with my microphone. Then I set to my church organ and made  this song. For a part of the song I had to get also my cello from the corner cupboard. Thus was the last night, or at least so similarly. ;)



Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: Oren on May 02, 2008, 01:03:37 PM
A very accurate representation of how a sleepless night feels.... you must be tired after all that :D

Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: SoundKlops on May 02, 2008, 01:27:53 PM
Thank you Oren,
there you are probably right. Now I will go to bed first. (http://bestsmileys.com/sleeping/9.gif)
Then my next song is called probably: sleepy day :D


Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on May 02, 2008, 02:00:28 PM

A very tulmultuous aural journey...I can hear the agony of being alone with your thoughts,struggling to nod off...this is indeed,a very well constructed account of insomnia.
Sometimes I have trouble sleeping just thinking about the Access Virus TI Snow...I'll be relieved when I finally have it in my possession. ;D

Good work friend,


Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: Moon on May 02, 2008, 02:05:48 PM
Hi Andreas,

I hope this song won't spin in my head when I go to bed... or maybe I should start listening to it when I have a sleepless night.
The song is well produced. Nice break, and nice ending, sounds like you finaly got tired after all  8)

Now, let's hope your next song won't be called 'Nightmares'...  :)


Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: folderol on May 02, 2008, 06:36:09 PM
This has gone straight into my 'keep' folder. Very good work. You can really sense the frustration in this.

You have an impressive range of styles O0

Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: offthewall on May 02, 2008, 09:08:27 PM
Highly atmospheric.
Beautifully subtle build-up.
I'm glad you finally got to sleep. I was worn out by the end.(http://bestsmileys.com/sleeping/10.gif)


Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: SoundKlops on May 03, 2008, 09:27:06 AM
Thank you for the friendly words. They make me very happy. ;D

@Thom and Moon
"tumultuous", "Nightmares" Thank you for the good idea. >:D

I think I have only one style: Music ;)



Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: Laguna Rising on May 04, 2008, 04:15:24 PM
A very accurate representation of how a sleepless night feels.... you must be tired after all that :D
Thank you Oren,
there you are probably right. Now I will go to bed first. (http://bestsmileys.com/sleeping/9.gif)
Then my next song is called probably: sleepy day :D

Great organic synthetic-ensamble, slowly evolving melodies, over hypnotic rhythm
Cool track


Title: Re: Sleepless night
Post by: kara on May 12, 2008, 10:13:36 AM
Great arrangement !
