Title: CME UF8 for sale Post by: Fred S on May 03, 2008, 11:55:46 PM I'm going to sell my UF8; 88 hammer action keysboard with aftertouch. Lots of knobs and buttons. 8 sliders that actually work automatically with the B4 (the feature I liked best), and 4 velosity curves.
Works with midi or USB. I've been using midi as I think its a little better overall than the USB software (downloadable on the website). Personally I can't stand the fact that the black keys are more sensitive than the white. Not all that noticeable except for the C# and D# almost 2 octives down from middle C. Presumably the velosities can be adjusted with software downloadable from the website. I just don't think one should have to do that. Also, CME keeps promising a new internal hardware replacement, but nothing yet. Which really isn't all that surprising since support from CME is non-existent. In summary, I don't need it anymore now that I have the S90ES. Its a great keyboard in design, and could have been a great keyboard overall (built like a tank) if CME was interested in fixing the issues. Personally, I can't tolerate the lack of support. All that said, it might be a good deal for someone here. I was thinking $200 including the shipping or you pay $140 and the shipping cost. I think it cost 5 or 6 hundred new. Title: Re: CME UF8 for sale Post by: Oren on May 04, 2008, 08:16:00 AM Sounds like bargain, Fred!
Some keyboard player in the southwestern U.S. will snap that puppy up... ;D Title: Re: CME UF8 for sale Post by: Laguna Rising on May 07, 2008, 06:58:58 PM it might be a good deal for someone here It certainly is ;) Title: Re: CME UF8 for sale Post by: folderol on May 07, 2008, 07:22:44 PM Do I hear the chink of money changing hands ;D
Title: Re: CME UF8 for sale Post by: Fred S on May 07, 2008, 07:59:31 PM Just thought I'd give friends a shot at it first if anyone is interested. If not, I'll see what I can get for it on EBay. I have way to many keyboards already...most of them up in the garage rafters waiting to become vintage :D