Title: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: Wyatt on May 17, 2008, 10:18:12 PM Echo Voodoo recorded some excellent shoe-bops as well as playing a cool ukelele for this one..
I must bear the blame for the congas as well as some guitars..one of which is pretending to be a bass. We hope you enjoy our little bit of weirdness. Thanks for listening. 8) Wyatt Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: SoundKlops on May 18, 2008, 07:54:28 AM Hi Wyatt
Nice and funny Song with a very good ending. 8) :D Andreas Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: Oren on May 18, 2008, 08:45:19 AM Innovative and charming. Premium production values.
There's something very humane about this approach to music. Congratulations, gentlemen! Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: Laguna Rising on May 18, 2008, 08:52:07 AM Well done !
This is very original 8) Cheers Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: Wyatt on May 18, 2008, 11:29:04 AM Innovative and charming. Premium production values. There's something very humane about this approach to music. Congratulations, gentlemen! @ Oren: Thank you for the kind words. Much appreciated. @SoundKlops and Laguna Rising: Thank you for listening and for your comments. 8) Wyatt Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: MarioD on May 18, 2008, 02:06:02 PM Very original and very entertaining!
Super production I give this song the highest rating, 10 shoe-bops :; Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: elwoodblues1969 on May 18, 2008, 02:51:37 PM Wyatt & Echo,
A very enjoyable piece and indeed,innovative & organic. O0 Very calming & relaxing stuff here. Keep up the weirdness,people! :- Cheers, Thom Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: folderol on May 18, 2008, 06:30:28 PM Oh this sounds like you were having a lot of fun :D
It's good to hear music that doesn't take itself seriously! Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: offthewall on May 18, 2008, 09:38:10 PM I was immediately taken by the start.....those wonderful cross-rhythms.....and then it kept getting better!
Superb production. (http://bestsmileys.com/music1/18.gif) ;) James Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: Wyatt on May 18, 2008, 10:49:34 PM @ Mario: Haha..ten shoe-bops..that's really cool.
@ Thom: Thank you for the encouragement. @Will: You nailed it. Less serious = more fun. @ James: There are actually nine drum tracks in this. Thank you all very much for taking the time to listen and to comment. Much appreciated. Wyatt for both of us. Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: Fred S on May 19, 2008, 01:40:06 AM That is WILD guys :o Really well done and a hoot! Move over reggae :D
Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: echovoodoo on May 19, 2008, 04:03:19 AM Thanks for all the positive comments!
I have to give the majority of the credit on this track to Wyatt, who took my simple vocals and ukulele strumming, added some very nice guitar and drum parts, and turned it all into the spacey weirdness of ShoeMungous. He had the original concept too, which kicked everything off. I'm not sure what was going through his head, but I loved the results and am pleased to have been a part of it. Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: kara on May 22, 2008, 12:08:47 PM @Wyat : I reconize your touch here 8)
Cool work guys, the result is a realy interesting song. k Title: Re: SHoeMungous Echo Voodoo-Wyatt collab. Post by: Wyatt on May 23, 2008, 12:02:08 AM @Wyat : I reconize your touch here 8) Cool work guys, the result is a realy interesting song. k Thanks Kara..always a pleasure. Wyatt |