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Music Auditorium => Pop,Jazz,Rock,Easy Listening => Topic started by: elwoodblues1969 on June 01, 2008, 08:56:58 PM

Title: Tyler & Selma
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 01, 2008, 08:56:58 PM

Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: MarioD on June 02, 2008, 02:18:29 PM
Thom, a really nice intro with the arpeggios and chord progression.

Super strings and bass in the second section.

The third movement was nice but IMHO it didn’t blend well with the first and second movements. 

The fourth was great with again super strings and bass.

IMHO this is not a song but a compilation of four tidbits of your musical imagination.  I think each section is a gem just waiting to be expanded on.

All in all a very nice musical adventure.

Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 02, 2008, 02:47:17 PM

All the different stages of this song was meant to encompass all of the dynamics of my relationship with my cats & to also outline thier behaviour.

For example,the third segment of my song was meant to describe my cat's erratic,hyperactive playtime,where he's running around the apartment like mad. ;D

This song was designed to segway into one style to another,as it was meant to be a surprise attack...just think of this song as Paul Mccartney's "Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey",or "Live & Let Die".

From a technical standpoint,none of these songs mentioned don't really all fit together that well,but it was deliberate.

Thanks very much for the input and all your kind words-much appreciated! :D


Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: magmavander on June 02, 2008, 08:42:20 PM
Hi elwood,

very nice intro, sounds better than the previous version.
As noticed, great bassline.
The sudden change is cool but to tell the truth, the speed moment could be used for a new song  ;D didnt share the same mood.
I enjoyed a lot the listening, thanks to share!



Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 02, 2008, 10:08:20 PM
Hey Mag,

Thanks for the input and the compliments. :)


Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: Laguna Rising on June 03, 2008, 07:17:08 PM
Excellent evolution from 'Tyler's love'
Unusual atmosphere and original melodies, I like this track very much.
I enjoyed it on my 'main' speakers and it sounds good


Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 03, 2008, 07:58:16 PM

Glad you enjoyed this version.Thanks a mint for the comments. :D


Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: Oren on June 05, 2008, 04:50:24 AM
Exploring the cat mentality and it's relationship to it's "owner".

An ambitious undertaking, particularly for an instrumental composition.

You're a courageous fellow, Thom  ;)

Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 05, 2008, 05:09:07 AM


Thanks for the interesting comments. :) Speaking of ambitious compositions and also deviating from conventional rules of music in general,I greatly admire all those classic musicians that defied all the odds and opposition and were all about the art and not the dollar,such as Isaac Hayes,Ray Charles,Tones On Tail,The Beatles,The Doors,Pink Floyd...just to name a few. 8)

So much inspiration to draw from,from artists' past,that it's so overwhelming.I just marvel at the infinity of music in terms of creating,as it just keeps perpetuating itself and it's power to unite the world. :'( :) :D ;D


Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: SoundKlops on June 08, 2008, 07:12:00 AM
Hi Thom

I think it's a nice song. :D I love unusable things in music, but for me the part between 01:46 and 03:03 is a little too strong break.
Perhaps you use only the wrong fodder for the cats. ;)


Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 09, 2008, 01:55:08 AM

Wrong fodder ???-I think they just take after thier father,is all. ;D

Thanks for the input and comments. :)


Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: Martin E on June 10, 2008, 12:04:57 PM
Nice endeavour, Thom. I think you translated the different moods very well into the music. Automatically that means that the parts will be a different; I don't see that as a problem.

Title: Re: Tyler & Selma
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 10, 2008, 09:35:57 PM

Thanks for the kind words. :)
