Kara-Moon Forum

Developers & Technology => Hardware => Topic started by: elwoodblues1969 on June 13, 2008, 11:42:41 PM

Title: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on June 13, 2008, 11:42:41 PM
Just click on the audio icon on the product page and enjoy.... :;


Title: Re: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: Oren on June 14, 2008, 04:31:04 PM
This unit is a class act, as is the website. Very impressive. 8)

Title: Re: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: folderol on June 14, 2008, 04:37:30 PM
These are very impressive. Of the 'real' instruments I thought the guitars were the best. Surprisingly, I thought the smooth strings were the least convincing, although the pizzicato ones were excellent ???

Title: Re: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: rharv on June 14, 2008, 10:41:38 PM
The nylon guitar was terrible!  I've written a better nylon gtr sample myself.
A couple of the synth sample songs were impressive, nice texture.

.. but I think Jaco would be pissed about them saying that was his sound.  I have a live youtube of jaco with better fidelity; the sample was bad..overdone on effects.  The harmonics at the end sounded good.  Sorry- I'm a Jaco fanatic; his sound was incredible.

 Kurzweil has some hit & miss sounds in my opinion, like any other synth (it just costs a lot more than most).

 Thanks for posting the link, I'm glad I got a chance to hear it.  Like most synths; it has it's uses

Title: Re: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: kara on June 15, 2008, 08:42:56 AM
Like Rharv said, all synths have good & bad sounds, and a trouble domain are very often guitar sounds and horn sounds.... Very hard to get those right !
It's not only the quality of the sample, it's allso the way they are played.
I know only of the Yamaha Tyros 2 who made a big step forward on integrating the way of playing in an instrument in his keyboard. If you play an accoustic guitar on a Tyros it is played like a guitar is played and not just as you push the keys.


Title: Re: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: Laguna Rising on June 15, 2008, 09:17:37 AM
Yes the website is very good
Sometimes I look with interest to the real thing (hardware keyboards) and I think technology improved this machines synthesis as well as software synths....

Title: Re: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: Moon on June 15, 2008, 11:57:12 AM
If you play an accoustic guitar on a Tyros it is played like a guitar is played and not just as you push the keys.

Well, most synths are 'good' in many domains, but they usually 'shine' in one or few. This is the case for both the Tyros & new Kurzweil. If you're looking for a synth with 88 piano keys, good 'natural' instrument and those 'mega voices' Kara is referring too, than you definetly must have a look to Yamaha's S 90 ES. Also a beautifull and great sounding piano-synth. It's not a workstation though, so if you're into sequencing you need to look elsewhere. It does play midi files though, so it's a great instrument for on the stage and great for the studio as master keyboard.

Btw... personnaly, I think that hardware synths still have an edge over their software brothers... OK, they're more expensive too, so don't start this discussion...


Title: Re: New Demo Songs(Kurzweil PC3)!!
Post by: rharv on June 15, 2008, 09:54:20 PM
Yeah, there is something about the control of a hardware synth. Plus it does all the work, taking the load off of the CPU, so they definately have their benefits. Plus, if you play out somewhere it it's much easier to grab the synth than the whole computer.
 I don't thnk I'll buy another synth that doesn't sample (or upload wav files as samples).  I really like being able to use any sound I can hear..

That kurzweil does sound real good on some things, I think I just picked the bad ones right away.  When I heard the nylon guitar, and then the Jaco patch I was disappointed, but as I ventured on to other ones it was more impressive.