Title: Just a silly play Post by: petrudamsa on March 12, 2007, 07:12:20 AM I have no idea if this one qualifies as Ambient music or not. I feel it like ambient.
Actually I'm checking how to post some tunes here in the forum. The track is a just simple play: opened the keyboard, played whatever came at my fingers whaile midi recording it, then just duplicated the midi file in several channels to make an "unison" at a monophonic gliding instrument, an EP, a drum set and some pad. This was the result. Hope you enjoy ;D Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: kara on March 12, 2007, 09:23:17 AM Hi & Welcome to the Music Auditorium.
This is a very laid back track & sounds great. Great live playing by the way. Would be a great opening track for a CD, on the second track you could take over the same intro and then add bass & rythm section to build it out to some Acid jazz track. I would love to hear how this evolves. kara Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: one on March 12, 2007, 03:42:32 PM hi petrudamsa
WELCOME!! I like it! That flute type sound is kewl. What synyh is is? Interesting idea to mirror the percussin with the same midi... 1 :) Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: Moon on March 12, 2007, 07:31:48 PM Hi, and welcome to the Forum. Interesting sound you have there. Is this soft- or hardware based. I'm curious, because it has a very nice feeling.
Moon Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: petrudamsa on March 13, 2007, 05:26:29 AM Thanks guys for the feedback.
@ one: The flutey sound is the result of mixing the monophonic sound with the EP and pad. I used Minimougue VA for the gliding sound, but i kinda twicked some knobs there, till I heard the desired sound. Moreover, I doubled it with a squarewave processed thru a Korg Triton. so here is also the answer @ moon: the overall sound is more of a hybrid between soft and hardware. Depends on what I feel it goes in a certain tune, I'll use both soft and hardware options in order to achieve some characteristic sound. Cheers, Petru Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: Mellotronaut on March 14, 2007, 01:01:37 PM jazzy ambient interlude with wonderful synth-sounds, well played and quite good!
m :) Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: elv on March 18, 2007, 05:40:33 PM jazzy ambient interlude with wonderful synth-sounds, well played and quite good! m :) Cant say it any better than that. Calming with a jazzy feel, great stuff Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: emdot_ambient on March 18, 2007, 10:22:37 PM Yeah, really reminds me of some of the jazzy interludes in old albums by Happy The Man . . . although in some of the faster noodling it would really help to either go into the MIDI track and alter either the piano or Moog sound so they are not EXACTLY AND MECHANICALLY identical. The could be achieved either by subtly moving some of the notes so they're a fraction of a beat off (like less than a 32nd note ahead or behind each other), or altering the parts so one track's playing slightly different notes. That would make them both sound like they were performed live. Right now it's way too obvious they're layered sounds.
Isn't there a MIDI humanizer program that will automatically move notes ahead/behind? Seems like I just saw something like that mentioned in a KVR thread Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: kara on March 19, 2007, 01:24:54 PM I think this : http://www.jasminemusic.com/se40_features.htm
does a simular thing, not free tough.... Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: core on March 20, 2007, 09:54:57 AM Really nice Petru, sounds very relaxed. Lovely instruments and great mix!
Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: Marc JX8P on March 20, 2007, 04:23:42 PM Very nice track! I do keep expecting the drums to come in, but that's just me... :) Great sound and wonderful harmonies.
Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: Fred S on March 21, 2007, 07:08:44 PM Very nice Petru! Always like listening to what you have to offer!
Title: Re: Just a silly play Post by: Laguna Rising on March 21, 2007, 08:51:47 PM Hi Petrudamsa !
I'm glad you're here too. Your music is always interesting 8) This is based on a unusual atmosphere. A wise choice of sounds, the result is soft and mellow, it enhance the expressive melody. Excellent idea Cheers |