Title: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: blipp on April 09, 2007, 12:05:04 PM Hi,
I'm mostly known for doing IDM type tracks, but sometimes i do ambient. This is one i did recently. Hope you enjoy it. :) Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: kara on April 09, 2007, 02:19:07 PM Shouldn't this be in dark & evil ? I have no idea realy, I don't know anything about this kinds of music :o
But you have some mighty sounds in there 8) Kara Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: blipp on April 09, 2007, 02:58:10 PM Cheers Rony.
This is'nt nasty enough for the dark and evil forum, it's far too fluffy. Not really sure myself really ;D Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: one on April 09, 2007, 07:36:35 PM Hey Blipp
You've been a prolific robot lately ;) I see what Rony's saying it's uneasy feeling. Cool sounds bud interesting feeling I'm enjoying the track... 1 :) Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: Laguna Rising on April 10, 2007, 08:55:07 PM Hi Blipp
I agree with ONE that you're really prolific, and yours productions are always well refined : hi-quality stuff. This is pure atmosphere, and you can feel the tension rising. Cheers Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: respirator on April 11, 2007, 06:34:43 AM I like the piece, but there seems to be some nasty distortion?
Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: elv on April 13, 2007, 07:16:01 PM Hey Blipp,
It go emotion and is a bit dark, but not evil. Love the main sounds. Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: blipp on April 14, 2007, 04:33:27 PM Thanks all, glad you liked it. I'm quite proud of this one as it's a bit of a departure from my usual stuff and i plan to do more ambient in the future.
Yep the mix is a bit rushed and i'm going to do a proper mix job on it soon. Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: emdot_ambient on April 16, 2007, 04:23:05 AM I'm not sure I'd call it all that dark, certainly not evil. What some call dark, I think of as mysterious and evocative--though if I had to pin a physical environment on this piece it would be a night scene, so dark might be correct in that literal sense. It sounds like we're waiting for something, or that we sense the presence of something nearby, something that remains hidden, flitting through the shadows--but something that never reveals itself. It's a question that remains unanswered. The tension people talk about is derived from that feeling of anticipation--that suspended and never-ending certainty that something is about to be revealed. The emotion I'm thinking of is awe, and it is a sense which can hold one in reverence or, I suppose, in fear. In this case I don't feel threatened or overwhelmed, but rather held rapt by a timeless anticipation and alertness. I find this kind of mood much more suitable for meditation than the New Age drift-you-away-on-clouds-of-pink-fluff stuff that's touted as meditation music and which inspires not so much meditation as sleep. No, this piece as a meditation keeps your mind alert and active, while suspending you in a timeless never-changing space. That's an active meditative state which is harder to achieve and far more useful than mindless drifting.
Yeah, the mix could use some work, and I think you really need to find some natural resolution to the work. Right now we're just kind of abruptly dropped back in the real world. Nice title. Nice work! Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: Northern_Fist on May 01, 2007, 06:24:43 PM I have listened to this piece a number of times in the car, and on my personal time with headphones. I find it very intriguing to listen to. The beginning makes me think of some sort of wandering cavern filled with greenery and watery labyrinths. The synth textures themselves make me feel surrounded by mystery and shadowy depths. It doesn't feel evil -- just strange. The pads chime and the background bells quirk into my mind of something both of nature and of man. To tell the truth, this would work wonders in a game like Metroid Prime/Echoes -- I've been playing that lately, and this music reminded me of it to some degree.
It's minimalism is brought out in a distinct pad tone that resounds with a turbulant sounding bass. I KNOW that you can't please everyone, and I appload the work that you have done, but I have a suggestion. I think that you could make it fade away for one additional variation or two in the pads and sonic structure. Otherwise, this piece is ace as far as I am concerned. Emotion filled, and not of this world. Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: Jazzyspoon on May 02, 2007, 10:01:41 PM first, great title. Second, this is how ambience should sound. Nice textural playground. Really enjoyed the visual zenscape with this one.
Nice production value. Thank you for sharing. Jazzyspoon Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: Marc JX8P on May 03, 2007, 10:09:59 PM Great track with wonderful sounds. It gets a bit busy after 1:30 though when that one pad sound keeps droning on and on. Aside from that element I really like it!
Title: Re: Geiger Swamp----Ambient Post by: Oren on June 16, 2007, 08:34:36 AM Great title! And the track explored the theme admirably.
Which came first, the title, or the piece? Oren. |