Title: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: hcsgts on May 04, 2007, 11:30:19 AM :) Hi kara moon and all who sail in her !
Firstly thanks to everyone who is maintaining free high quality resources for poor musicians online here and elsewhere. I'm trying to make sense of my new ext2 and to resolve to stop doodling and try and record something of release quality whatever that might be. Amongst hundreds of so so vstis I've tried and ditched I really like FM7, tripple cheese, silkworm, Mr Ray, Organised trio, SFZ and large sound fonts in general. I'm looking for the easiest ways to generate drum tracks with ext2, 24 bit samples and some sort of auto accompaniment feature as I'm not a drummer. Good drum tracks seems to be a stumbling block for many imho. There's a lot on this site to check out thanks again Gwil Title: Re: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: Wyatt on May 04, 2007, 12:42:20 PM Welcome Gwil..it's nice to have you aboard!
Wyatt Title: Re: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: Marc JX8P on May 04, 2007, 02:22:44 PM Hi Gwil, welcome to the forum. Drum tracks can be tricky and it can often be handy to get a good loop collection to form a basis for your own drum programming. This way you get that 'human' element that's nigh on impossible to program. Having said that, I also like drumcomputer-style drumming so I'll often combine the two.
Title: Re: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: kara on May 04, 2007, 03:31:46 PM Hi & Welcome here 8)
Title: Re: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: Fred S on May 04, 2007, 04:08:18 PM Welcome here Gwil! I'm sure you'll feel at home!
:) Good drum tracks seems to be a stumbling block for many imho. I keep telling folks to try "playing" them in, because I just don't believe its as difficult as some believe. I play all of mine in on a pad controller, and I'm not a drummer. And, its fun!! Sometimes I get negative comments on the samples and added effects I use for drums, but very rarely on the "programming". Of course, that said, what I like to write requires a human feel. Its a whole different story for trance, IDM, and the like. Title: Re: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: Laguna Rising on May 04, 2007, 06:07:47 PM Welcome to the auditorium !!!
;D Cheers Title: Re: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: Martin E on May 07, 2007, 04:33:57 PM Welcome Gwil.
As Fred stated playing and recording drums yourself is probably the best way using a drumpad. But since we're not all seasoned drummers I suggest for you to try the Jamstix Vst. It will create drumtracks on the fly for you. You can even jam with it. Have a look at www.rayzoon.com There's even a group buy going on at the moment. Title: Re: Hi to the Kara moon massive! Post by: jura on May 08, 2007, 07:35:01 AM Hi hcsgts
Welcome to this great forum ! I've been using eXT for long time. Its really great program. Now I work under Linux, so eXT2 is obvious choice as well. |