Title: Over-The-Hill Crew Post by: Oren on January 30, 2011, 10:49:01 PM Will(folderol)(http://serve.mysmiley.net/characters/character0007.gif) (http://www.mysmiley.net) conceived this piece and plays the two rhythm guitars. James(offthewall)(http://serve.mysmiley.net/characters/character0015.gif) (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-war-smileys.php) plays the melody guitar and harmonica. I looped three different percussion samples from "SampleScience" and "Equinox Sounds", and played some bass guitar.
It's called "Bright".(http://serve.mysmiley.net/characters/character0066.gif) (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-ashamed-smileys.php) Comments on the mix, and suggestions for improvement, are welcome (please, we need help :D). Title: Re: Over-The-Hill Crew Post by: elwoodblues1969 on February 01, 2011, 12:48:29 AM I'm not sure what to make of this tune,as the bass line cuts out after :18 & is never heard from again...except for the chorus parts. ???
Even in the chorus sections,the bass is far too low in volume. Apart from the questionable bass track,this tune has a very authentic 60's folk-feel to it,which is spot on.It seems though,that this song was designed for vocals,perhaps? Don't really understand how such a lovely recording is marred by such a deficient bass track...especially considering it comes from the resident bass & recording master extraordinaire....the only thing I can figure,is Mr.Fisher is having a slight case of writer's block with regard to the bass composition,maybe? (http://planetsmilies.net/confused-smiley-17428.gif) (http://planetsmilies.net) Fantastic collab gents,but just with that minor infraction that needs to be ironed out. (http://planetsmilies.net/music-smiley-7540.gif) (http://planetsmilies.net) -Thom Title: Re: Over-The-Hill Crew Post by: Oren on February 01, 2011, 03:48:52 AM Thanks Thom!
Bassists are prone to mixing the instrument over-loud when producing a song - my inclination is to over-compensate... ;D A re-mix is in order. I'd like to move the harp and melody guitar around a bit so they compliment each other better. This mix was executed when I was quite tired, and it shows. Title: Re: Over-The-Hill Crew Post by: MarioD on February 01, 2011, 10:38:28 PM So far so good short-hair :-
I agree with Thom about the bass and I’m glad you are going to look into it. Title: Re: Over-The-Hill Crew Post by: folderol on February 02, 2011, 06:09:49 PM You know I hadn't really noticed at first, but now you mention it.... I guess that comes from being a part of the 'Over The Hill Crew' :P
A little difficulty I seem to have is getting lost occasionally, so would someone be so kind as to let me know which particular hill we are over? ;D Title: Re: Over-The-Hill Crew Post by: Oren on February 04, 2011, 04:45:41 AM A little difficulty I seem to have is getting lost occasionally, so would someone be so kind as to let me know which particular hill we are over? ;D No clue, Pardner, but the view is incredible... :;...new arrangement, more (too much? :D) bass... Title: Re: Over-The-Hill Crew Post by: Oren on February 06, 2011, 02:50:09 AM "Hmmm..." said the cook... "that soup needs something..." ::)
Well unlike the cook, an audio guy can remove ingredients from the "soup" if necessary, and that's what I did. The bass felt like an intrusion - no matter how I mixed it - so, it's gone... and to good effect, wouldn't you agree? :) |