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General & News => News & General Chat => Topic started by: MarioD on August 22, 2011, 08:24:38 PM

Title: the security of various browsers
Post by: MarioD on August 22, 2011, 08:24:38 PM
This is a very interesting read on the security of various browsers.  This will surprise all of the MS haters out there.

You can read about it here:


Title: Re: the security of various browsers
Post by: folderol on August 22, 2011, 08:42:27 PM
There is something deeply suspicious about that graph. If they'd shown a few percentage points improvement they would be believable, but not that amount! No other browser review gives anything remotely like that figure.

It isn't at all clear from the article exactly what was being tested. I would guess it is one very narrow feature in IE9, which may not even be relevant for other browsers.

Title: Re: the security of various browsers
Post by: Oren on August 23, 2011, 02:23:45 AM
...the security of various browsers.  This will surprise all of the MS haters out there...

One important goal for a computer user is to find the most useful software possible, so that the tasks he/she attends to are completed smoothly and successfully. Each of us can evaluate the available software tools and choose those which suit our purposes.

There is nothing to "hate" about Microsoft and their operating systems - they are just one of the contenders.
The truth is, many other software developers do a better job, and combining these software tools in a carefully selected do-it-yourself package results in a superior computing experience.

Title: Re: the security of various browsers
Post by: MarioD on August 23, 2011, 02:56:18 PM
Will, I agree.  The article doesn’t say what was being tested.  I have been reading a lot lately about MS stuff being so good that hackers are attacking other programs like Firefox, Opera etc.  They also are attacking those internet phones and tablets as they don’t have a lot, if any, anti-stuff on them.  It is my belief that most problems are caused by operators.  People don’t keep their anti-stiff up to date, don’t run scans, illegally DL software and music and visit questionable sites, like porno sites. When I was working at the computer shop virtually every infected computer I worked on had at least one of the above and most had all of them.

Oren, around here there are a lot of MS haters. I have to chuckle to myself when they get infected; mostly I bet by doing one of the things I mentioned above. I know of a teacher that hated MS so much she sold her PC and bought a Mac, only to get it infected so badly that she had to reformat and reinstall everything. I do agree with you, use what you like, just be cautious.

Title: Re: the security of various browsers
Post by: Moon on August 23, 2011, 05:24:50 PM
Being cautious: you can make use of a virtual PC. The idea behind it is very simple: a virtual PC runs seperatly on your PC and emulates a pc on a PC. Advantage is that after you close the virtual PC, everything gets deleted. Or, you use Knopix: boot a pc from CD without using a harddisk.

Or, just be cautious what sites your are visiting. Just stick with the KM-site  ;)
