Kara-Moon Forum

Music Auditorium => Ambient,Trance => Topic started by: It-Alien on November 22, 2011, 12:33:04 PM

Title: New song by It-Alien: "Suspension"
Post by: It-Alien on November 22, 2011, 12:33:04 PM
After a quite long break (at least for my stadards of release), here I am with a new song, which depicts an alternance of tension and relief, in a multilayered, psychedelic, synth-only style.

get from napodano.com (MP3) (http://www.napodano.com/music/download.php?Id=1151)

get from last.fm (MP3) (http://www.napodano.com/music/download.php?Id=2151)

I usually post music on the "shadows" section so you probably never heard of me before; I thought this section would be more appropriate for this song.

Title: Re: New song by It-Alien: "Suspension"
Post by: MarioD on November 22, 2011, 03:11:26 PM
This is fantastic.  Great mix and an outstanding soundset.

Two thumbs up.

Title: Re: New song by It-Alien: "Suspension"
Post by: folderol on November 22, 2011, 11:53:31 PM
Delicious!  O0

Title: Re: New song by It-Alien: "Suspension"
Post by: Oren on November 24, 2011, 05:56:23 AM
An excellent title for music that immediately establishes an emotional attachment, and then lifts the listener out of themselves.  Suspension, indeed! :;