Title: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: Marc JX8P on November 26, 2011, 05:48:57 PM Today Moon visited 87PM towers and together we worked on this new track! It's just version one, but we hope you'll enjoy it and let us know what you all think!
Moon, Percy & Marc Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: folderol on November 26, 2011, 08:21:55 PM I enjoyed this. It's what I think of as a 'traveling' tune - ideal for those long motorway drives.
The only comment I'd make is that there seemed to be very little bass content, and I think it would benefit from a strong bass line. Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: Moon on November 26, 2011, 10:55:42 PM Ehhhrrrrr.... I think some tracks were dropped in the mixdown... :-\
Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: Marc JX8P on November 27, 2011, 12:02:49 AM Errr - no;all tracks present and accounted for. But I did mix it on monitors with quite some bass content so I might need to do another mix that pushes up the level of bass.
Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: Oren on November 27, 2011, 05:45:31 AM Quirky, in a good way. ;D A treat for the ears, gentlemen! :-
Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: Moon on November 27, 2011, 11:02:48 AM Thanks for the comments.
I agree we need to remix. I really was missing the bass sound that I heared through the monitors. Also, after relistening to the song, I feel we're still missing content between 0:57 - 2:00 I think it's a great basis. Can't wait to hear version 2 ! Moon Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: MarioD on December 03, 2011, 09:01:35 PM I really like this, great collaboration gentlemen.
I agree about the bass being very low volume wise. I also think the ending could be a little better. Looking forward for version 2. Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: Marc JX8P on December 04, 2011, 03:35:46 PM Thank you! :)
Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: SLD Music on February 09, 2012, 02:59:21 AM I like this alot. Alot of interesting ideas that keep it fresh as it develops. Any more progress on it?
I love the sliding bass near the end, and some of the interesting chord progressions. Title: Re: Collaboration Moon & 87PM Post by: magmavander on February 12, 2012, 12:20:41 AM I agree very good one but some bass is really needed here. Waiting for next version. Hurry up kids ;D