Title: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on December 30, 2011, 08:56:09 PM Today we finished three mixes for the new album: Unknown Earth (of which we posted a first mix earlier) http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-unknown-earth-30-12-2011 (http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-unknown-earth-30-12-2011) and Hidden World (preview at http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-hidden-world-30-12-2011 (http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-hidden-world-30-12-2011)) and Industrial World (preview at http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-industrial-world-30-12 (http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-industrial-world-30-12)). Hope you like them!
Percy & Marc Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Oren on December 31, 2011, 02:05:57 AM "Unknown Earth" is outstanding! :-
The preview for "Hidden Earth" is intriguing. I like the way you gentlemen are continuing to develop your skills with synthesis. "Industrial World" promises to deliver some gritty audio with lots of percussive bottom end. Love it! Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on December 31, 2011, 06:09:26 PM Thank you very much Oren! :-
Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: folderol on January 01, 2012, 01:25:01 PM Wot the canadian sed :D
Very good material indeed 8) Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on January 02, 2012, 03:26:20 AM Thanks you! :) It's really cool to finally start to finish these tracks after working on them for so many years... I'm also working on a new version of our 87PM website and I'll soon post something about that as well with a little request for the KM members to test it on their various different computers and browsers. It's going to make heavy use of Javascript in order to be visually exciting without resorting to Flash and such.
Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: elwoodblues1969 on January 02, 2012, 06:22:09 PM I don't remember the particulars of the initial mix of Unknown Earth,but this is mixed very well(although I have a preference for the bass being a bit more pronounced).My favorite segments are 3:04 - 3:16 and 4:12 - 4:44. 8)
I like the timpani & that "Tibetan"-type sound in Hidden World and both this and the Industrial World tune have bass levels that suit my taste...nice work all around. -Thom Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on January 02, 2012, 10:06:47 PM Cool! Thank you for your specific comments! Bass levels are always a tricky issue - especially when you're trying to balance so many tracks. My main effort was on removing the muddy-ness of those frequencies just above the lowest bass levels but I gather that that has worked.
Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: MarioD on January 03, 2012, 03:38:05 PM “Unknown Earth” is as good as anything that David Arkenstone has done. This is simply outstanding. They other two do intrigue me.
Great work here. Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on January 03, 2012, 03:44:52 PM Thank you! I didn't know David Arkenstone but I listened to a few tracks on his website and this is really high praise. :- Thank you for mentioning his music.
Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on January 04, 2012, 06:10:26 PM Woohoo! Three more mixes finalised (which would be fast if you wouldn't take into account that we've been working on them for years...):
http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-earth-evolved-04-01-2012 (http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-earth-evolved-04-01-2012) This 17 minute long track consists of four different sections and is quite ambient. Unfortunately, for now you're just going to get a peek at the first 30 seconds! ;) http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-ronys-theme-04-01-2012 (http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-ronys-theme-04-01-2012) We posted this track, dedicated to Kara, here before. There hasn't been much change although we did work on the drum sounds a bit as you may be able to hear here. http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-mountain-ranges-04-01 (http://soundcloud.com/marcjx8p/87pm-mountain-ranges-04-01) Was called Blue Mountains, now Mountain Ranges. Together with Earth Evolved (which started as Earth Summit) one of the oldest tracks we did for this album. Hope you'll enjoy these! Percy & Marc Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: folderol on January 04, 2012, 07:10:56 PM Some great teasers there. Rony's Theme sounds especially good.
Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Oren on January 04, 2012, 10:57:39 PM "Earth Evolved" - spooky, clandestine, pensive. :o
"Rony's Theme" - complex rhythms... beautiful percussion, bass, and piano - a fitting tribute to the man who helped us hone our craft. :-* "Mountain Ranges" - Majestic, with a tropical feel. Cool! O0 Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on January 05, 2012, 04:41:49 PM Thanks guys! Glad to hear you like it! :-
Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: Marc JX8P on January 13, 2012, 01:39:01 PM In addition to the six previews we've published so far we can now also reveal the artwork for our upcoming album!
Title: Re: Earth Summit: new mixes! Post by: folderol on January 13, 2012, 06:49:03 PM Looks good