Kara-Moon Forum

Music Auditorium => Pop,Jazz,Rock,Easy Listening => Topic started by: Martin E on June 12, 2007, 12:23:43 PM

Title: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on June 12, 2007, 12:23:43 PM
This is my summer holiday song  ;D Should hit the charts. Well when hyped enough. ::)

A Roger McQuinn/Byrds type of song. I wrote the basics of the song in about 15 minutes I think. Lyrics and recording took a bit longer though  ;D ;D

Lots of sunshine and a cool beer within reach are well recommended while listening.


Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: zeoy on June 12, 2007, 01:34:50 PM
Although the Byrds references are quite obvious it sounds very fresh. Very sweet little song and singing, harmonies and overall production is flawless as always.
Thanx for sharing Martin ;)

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: kara on June 12, 2007, 06:28:06 PM
ok, I want that beer  ;D

As usual nice idea, good recording , very good production  8)
I don't know if it will hit the charts, perhaps if we had some kind of 50-60's revival   :D

And do me a favour and get that bass a bit clearer in the mix  :P ;D


Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Laguna Rising on June 12, 2007, 06:35:49 PM
Hi Martin
I have my beer but no sunshine, it's still raining and it seems it won't stop

That's a very nice track, and I like the singing and playing in it.
Your mix is very clean indeed, and there are no muddy tracks or notes (as I have in mine :envy:)
You have a natural talent for catchy vocal lines, well done


Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on June 12, 2007, 08:00:44 PM
Thanks for listening Zeoy, Kara and Laguna

It's an uncomplicated song and not pretentious as such.

@Kara Although getting the bass right in the mix is, I agree, one of my problem area's. I don't think it's really that bad in this one. But I'll have a critical listening again.

@ Laguna  Still having rain ??? We've been having sunshine and 30 degrees Celcius since last week.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Max el Belga on June 13, 2007, 10:54:55 AM
This is definitely and without any doubt a potencial HIT ! It even passed the most severe test I know and in a way that I´ve never seen before.
To try out a mix and to listen to it more "objective", with some distance, I open my monitoring room, put the mediaplayer on repeat and go doing something somewhere else in the house, while listening.

If the wife´s at home she often asks me to shut off that blimy... before the song reaches the end... ???
Your song kept on playing and playing...  If I shouldn´t have stopped it myself it would still be playing !
Now I just have to find a way to get it out of my head ! :D

As you mensioned too, it´s not enough to write a hit to make it a hit though...

Wonderful song ! ;)

Max... .. . :D

PS : If I were Kara and would like to become filty rich, I´d put your song with a smashing promotion campagne on the market !

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on June 13, 2007, 11:32:30 AM
This is definitely and without any doubt a potencial HIT ! It even passed the most severe test I know and in a way that I´ve never seen before.
To try out a mix and to listen to it more "objective", with some distance, I open my monitoring room, put the mediaplayer on repeat and go doing something somewhere else in the house, while listening.

If the wife´s at home she often asks me to shut off that blimy... before the song reaches the end... ???
Your song kept on playing and playing...  If I shouldn´t have stopped it myself it would still be playing !
Now I just have to find a way to get it out of my head ! :D

As you mensioned too, it´s not enough to write a hit to make it a hit though...

Wonderful song ! ;)

Max... .. . :D

PS : If I were Kara and would like to become filty rich, I´d put your song with a smashing promotion campagne on the market !

Thanks, Max. I know all about these severe tests and about wives of musician. They are a special breed. I happen to have one myself.

This is how it goes:
She: "Oh well that's not a bad song Martin but I think you should get someone else to sing it because you really can't sing" "You used to sing much better" He: You will find when listening to my old recordings that I was singing off key half of the time" She: "I don't care what you say I liked your voice much better then" He: Well thanks for the support, Yvonne". She: "Your welcome".  He: >:(

The funny thing was when I had finished the song I couldn't stop listening to it as well. Everytime it ended I would hit the play button again. Seemed to work that way for your wife too.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Fred S on June 13, 2007, 07:10:27 PM
Its a beautiful tune, Martin! Perfect in the vibe you were going for and sounds good to me in every respect. An A+ for the vocal melody ;)

Listened to it a few times...enjoyed it a lot  8)

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: FourthMansions on June 13, 2007, 07:56:54 PM
This is very nice, Martin. Lovely tune and great singing and playing (especially the guitars.) It's highly infectious from the very first bar. This one's a keeper. Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: jura on June 13, 2007, 09:04:41 PM
You have pretty firm and peaceful voice.

Thanks for sharing such music for free even it has commercial potential.


Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on June 14, 2007, 08:01:06 AM
Hi Guys.

Thanks for the comments and the listen. Much appreciated.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Wyatt on June 14, 2007, 09:05:26 AM

You really have a smooth touch with this. You really have a talent for the instrumental/vocal blend. Very high on the re-listen-ability scale. I think I am getting what you are going for, finally..so I will stop trying to drag you to the front of the sound-stage and turn up your vocals. :)

Lovely performance; lovely production work..and you have a great voice, IMO..thanks for sharing that.


PS..I try to make sure I don't play anything for my wife until it's really-really finished..that may help..then again it may not..>shrug<

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Max el Belga on June 15, 2007, 06:32:59 PM
Martin, this morning I did a test.  I showed some IMO amazing songs to someone with a very good nose for very good music.  Your song was amongst them.
Without any hesitation and without asking, the subject pointed to your baby and said : "That´s a realy good song !"


Max... .. . :D

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: drboomboom on June 15, 2007, 08:00:22 PM

Love the twelve string. I hear Byrds alright, and a little Chad and Jeremy too. Great harmonies, recording, mixing and arranging...lyrics too. Wow, now there was a passage that sounded like the Association. Very happy and bouncy, yet whistful. Good stuff.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on June 15, 2007, 09:25:49 PM
Thanks Wyatt, Max and Dr BB.

@ Wyatt Thanks for the nice comments

@ Max. He didn't happen to be a A&R manager  ;D

@ Dr BB Thanks, I don't know Chad and Jeremy but I do know the Association. I still have some vinyl records of them lying about.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Mellotronaut on June 23, 2007, 03:19:14 PM
Wow, this is a happy happy song!

Great playing, quite transparent sound(s) and your voice is cream:
Highly professional and wonderful song!

...about the hit-hint: for me it's a hit, surely, but i'm almost 44... young people nowadays are different ...they, who like music like your song, buy lps (vinyl) and the others need strong beats and please: no melodies. A large third group download everything from the web and their taste depends on their peers.

m ;D

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on June 23, 2007, 06:02:14 PM
Thanks Mello

Yeah, The hit thing; it was just a jest but with a serious undertone. I think anything with some quality could be a hit once it is marketed in the right way and gets enough airplay.

I went to a Brian Wilson concert last night and the music was pure magic. But that's just my opinion and the opinion of 1000 other people present who were all well over 40. Myself included of course  ;D So you're right about the musical taste of the young being different.
When I got home, with the wonderful music of Brian Wilson still in my head, I turned on the tv and saw The Arctic Monkeys live at the Glastonbury Festival on the BBC. I thought they were quite afwul compared to what I had just seen and heard. But the young people in the audience loved it.

So who is right and who is wrong?  ::)

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Mellotronaut on June 23, 2007, 08:30:00 PM
Hi Martin,

Last year there was a kvr-contest with an educational topic. A guy made a stereotype dance/trance song just to show how to make a hit for the kids. He said, 'my track is awful and i hate it'.
Karin and i were listening to the entries and when this song came out of the speakers, her son (then 10 years old) was totally excited and wanted to have more. We couldn't stop laughing, but....you know, what i mean :o.

Brian Wilson is one of my favourite artists and 'Pet Sounds' and 'Smile' can drive me to tears because of the beauty that comes from this music, but 'Beach Boys Family and Friends' with Al Jardine and 'The Beach Boys' with Mike Love, who are just cheesy revival bands, get a lot more listeners than Brian Wilson.
Anyway, in 50 years nobody will remember them, but Brian Wilson will be timeless.
Maybe this is an answer....'Arctic Monkeys' aren't bad, but they do what a hundred other bands do, they're solid, but not special. Brian Wilson is magic. :)

Chris aka mello

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Wyatt on June 23, 2007, 10:11:04 PM

..I hear that..Mike Love is no Brian Wilson.


Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: magmavander on June 25, 2007, 08:46:41 PM
Hi Martin,

what a great one again!!
It's great coz the Byrds are here but it's not a "copy".
You were inspired, not influenced  ;)
A hit is a hit. Who knows what can happen to a song ?
I can point some cool hit these last years and it was not always some kind of robotic/unpersonal song. Even businessmen cant totaly kill quality. Anyway this one had what is needed in a hit, a melodic line that grabs you immediately.
I like the mix of happyness and nostalgy. It has also a cool groove, very enjoyable. All guitars are top!!
I'm a big fan of choirs in the background, I'd like to hear some more and you have a beautiful voice for choirs ;D
The mix is perfect, I cant find any bugs.

Thanks to share!



I work hard these last week and I dont have very much time, and I must say energy, to do very much music but I have worked on rendez-vous  :) + writted some snippets.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on June 26, 2007, 09:51:37 PM
Thanks, Mag.  Good to hear from you.

Like to do some work on "Rendez-vous" sometime soon. I'll be on holiday however from 6th to 20th of July. That should give you some time to get something ready.  ;D

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Northern_Fist on June 29, 2007, 11:50:59 PM
I'm surprised... some of the musicians here seem like they belong someplace "bigger".  This track is amazing quality in recording and performance.

I envy the talent to sing and play guitar.  Kudos, I thank you for sharing this with us.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on July 02, 2007, 10:07:40 AM
Thanks for the comment and the listen, N.F.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: folderol on July 24, 2007, 09:48:02 PM
This is a nice song that's just very 'comfortable' to have playing, either listening, or as background.

I can't begin to comment on the technicalities, but it just sounds clear and crisp.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: MarioD on August 19, 2007, 01:23:59 AM
MartinE, this should by on the radio – period

If I heard this cut in a music store I would buy the CD - MarioD

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on August 19, 2007, 01:19:42 PM
Hey thanks Folderol; must have missed your entry somehow.

Thanks Mario. I'll make a note of your order in case a cd is released. Whenever.  ;D

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Daniel Pompougnac on August 29, 2007, 09:11:49 PM
Wahoo, very good song.

Daniel Pompougnac
(http://www.pompougnac-daniel.com/08images/urls/signature_noir.jpg) (http://www.pompougnac-daniel.com)

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on August 30, 2007, 07:52:14 PM
Thanks Daniel

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Daniel Pompougnac on September 02, 2007, 06:15:42 PM
More I listen this song, more I find it excellent. Great stuff.


Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: NeoN on September 04, 2007, 08:25:49 AM
Another great Song of yours, Martin :)
I really like the combination of Acoustic Guitars, Drums and Bass.
Perfect Vocals and nice Melody.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on September 04, 2007, 07:03:25 PM
Thanks Neon. It's one of my favourite tunes if I'm allowed to say so of one of my own songs.

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: folderol on September 04, 2007, 07:10:59 PM
Yes you're allowed :)

If we're honest we all have our favourites although we may embarrass ourselves. Then again we also have those we sometimes wish we'd never started!

Ghost Train is one of MY favourites :)

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: offthewall on September 05, 2007, 09:52:24 PM

Sorry it's taken me so long to get round to giving this song a listen.

But.......well worth the wait......this is SO professional, and so enjoyable.....

Thank you!

Title: Re: Last Goodbye
Post by: Martin E on September 06, 2007, 03:09:08 PM
That's alright, James. I don't get around to listening as often as I wish myself.
Thanks for your kind words.