Title: Not a Looser Post by: kara on July 04, 2007, 04:29:03 PM A collaboration with Mr. Bob Hunt
I finally had the time to give this a decent mix. Flute & sax is played by Bob Hunt, one of the nicest musicians I ever met on the net. Other instruments are played live by me except for drums. This is the first song I've played live with my Yamaha midi guitar. Not a Looser (http://www.kara-moon.com/download_song.php?download_id=4315) Hope you like it. k PS : I'm off on vacation for 2,5 weeks, i hope you'll miss me (just joking) One of the things we have to do with the miss, is agree on a song for the In a Spin CD, and believe this won't be simple... Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: offthewall on July 04, 2007, 04:41:41 PM Very nice Mr K.
;D Thoroughly enjoyed this. It's got a lovely structure. So much so that I ended up playing along, whistle then guitar......pity I can't do both together.....be worth a furtune. ::) Yes.....a nice relaxing mix. James Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: Moon on July 04, 2007, 04:44:11 PM PS : I'm off on vacation for 2,5 weeks, i hope you'll miss me (just joking) One of the things we have to do with the miss, is agree on a song for the In a Spin CD, and believe this won't be simple... Just take the boss & a mic with you, put this song on the boss and let her sing in the camper. Can't go wrong ! ;D P.S.: nice moody song but you need to recompress it at 192 at high quality! Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: Laguna Rising on July 04, 2007, 06:36:40 PM Hi
Cool track ! and nice playing, you're a talented multinstrumentist ;) I like the relaxed mood here. Cheers Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: Laguna Rising on July 04, 2007, 06:37:54 PM ...and btw, have a great vacation ! :D
Cheers Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: kara on July 04, 2007, 06:39:00 PM Hi Cool track ! and nice playing, you're a talented multinstrumentist ;) I like the relaxed mood here. Cheers Thanks ! k Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: kara on July 04, 2007, 06:39:57 PM ...and btw, have a great vacation ! :D Cheers Thanks again :D We realy need it Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: magmavander on July 07, 2007, 08:58:29 PM Hi kara,
wow! What a cool piece. Smooth and very, very relaxing. Fits quite well with the today sunny day, without this f....g wind in my face ;D Great melodic work. I liked the bellish pad a lot. Thanks to share! bye mag Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: Moon on July 08, 2007, 02:10:14 PM Kara, I think you have a nice moody song here.
Why don't you put a vocal with miss P on it and use it for the "in-a-spin" project? It would fit well on the CD ! ;) Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: Wyatt on July 10, 2007, 11:47:27 AM kara,
..I have to agree..this is a lovely track, and I would love to hear miss P put a vocal to it for the CD. Have a good vacation. Wyatt Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: kara on July 22, 2007, 04:45:50 PM Thanks guys,
perhaps some day this song will have vocals, but it won't be on the 'in a spin' CD, I'm writing something better for the CD ;D k Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: folderol on July 24, 2007, 10:06:46 PM Nice relaxing style. I see it more as an 'evening' track. I could easily picture it being played in a garden bar or club somewhere.
Title: Re: Not a Looser Post by: kara on July 25, 2007, 07:14:27 AM Thanks, it is true that it is quit relaxing.
I had a lot of fun making it, it started just from a litle melody I played on my midi-guitar and the whole arrangement was build around that. Bob Hunt added a lot to the mood of the song with his fantastic WX playing k Thank you for commenting |