Title: Five Years Markleford Post by: Mellotronaut on July 25, 2007, 10:12:49 AM Hi,
i made a song for the KvR-contest 'Five Years Markleford'. Have fun! Title: Re: Five Years Markleford Post by: kara on July 25, 2007, 10:16:30 AM Very progy ;D 8)
Good luck with the contest ! k Title: Re: Five Years Markleford Post by: Mellotronaut on July 25, 2007, 11:13:08 AM ;D Thanks Kara!
When i posted it, there was no time to say more. I was away from music-making for three weeks and had to hurry (really last minute entry). We know, our beloved Markleford likes King Crimson a lot (especially the 80's set-up). So i began this track on july the 2nd. The next day we began with some house-renovation (incl. 'studio') and had some other distractions. Two days ago i decided to finish the song (mainly recording guitars and vox) and: yeah, it's weird and mello with a lot of crimsonic influence ;) m Title: Re: Five Years Markleford Post by: Laguna Rising on July 25, 2007, 06:02:17 PM Cool track ! it's really in the spirit of KC music. ;)
I like it: very original stuff Cheers |