Kara-Moon Forum

General & News => News & General Chat => Topic started by: MarioD on February 01, 2015, 03:43:49 PM

Title: Alchemy sample farewell sale
Post by: MarioD on February 01, 2015, 03:43:49 PM
As most Alchemy owners know Alchemy is a thing of the past.  Here is a message that I copied from a Sonar forum stating that this may be the last Simon Alchemy sample sale:
Simon has created some of the most wonderful patch/sample banks for our beloved Alchemy... and he is having a farewell sale at here
I have many of these and they are wonderful...



So if you have Alchemy you may want to jump on these.

Title: Re: Alchemy sample farewell sale
Post by: elwoodblues91 on February 11, 2015, 04:22:36 AM
I haven't touched my Alchemy in a long while,as I've been having problems with presets not loading.Aside from that,I never cared to invest in additional sample libraries,due to the cost and the idea of dumping thousands of dollars into a sampler that has no bread and butter sounds.

This clearance sale is tempting,but without any product support...no way.I had taken advantage of the 50% off sale a while back....so if I never use Alchemy again,it won't matter to me.