Title: That time of year! Post by: folderol on December 23, 2016, 10:59:09 PM I'd like to wish everyone the very best, however you celebrate this holiday :-
It has been a very chaotic year across the world in so many ways. Let's hope 2017 is more settled. Title: Re: That time of year! Post by: MarioD on December 24, 2016, 02:18:44 PM I'd like to wish everyone the very best, however you celebrate this holiday :- It has been a very chaotic year across the world in so many ways. Let's hope 2017 is more settled. A super big +1 Title: Re: That time of year! Post by: offthewall on December 24, 2016, 07:22:10 PM That chaos throughout the world has been reflected in my house!
I don't really believe in the principle of 'new year, new beginning' but am starting to wish that I did. Anyway .... Best Wishes of the Season to each and every one of you here. Make the most of it, gang. :- |