Title: Hexagon Sky (BOC, Tycho, Com Truise sounds) Post by: SampleScience on April 10, 2017, 06:58:52 PM (https://ia801505.us.archive.org/13/items/HexagonSky/Hexagon_Sky_500px.jpg)
Hexagon Sky (http://www.samplescience.ca/2017/04/hexagon-sky.html) is a sample based plugin instrument inspired by the sound of Boards Of Canada, Com Truise, Lone and Tycho. The instrument plugin includes 101 preset sounds to choose from including genuine analog synthesizers tones, acoustic instruments sampled from public domain documentaries plus various pads, strings & ethereal atmospheres. Also included are sampled guitar, bell and electric piano sounds. In order to get a more lofi sound the plugin has a set of vinyl, cassette, VHS and tape noise background noise knobs. Two field recording oscillators feature various atmosphere from kids in a schoolyard to wolves howling in the night. Audio demos: https://soundcloud.com/samplesciencemtl/sets/hexagon-sky (https://soundcloud.com/samplesciencemtl/sets/hexagon-sky) Features:
For more information: Hexagon Sky (http://www.samplescience.ca/2017/04/hexagon-sky.html) |