Title: SampleScience Player released: biggest free rompler Post by: SampleScience on February 16, 2018, 04:43:57 PM (https://ia801501.us.archive.org/34/items/SampleSciencePlayerV1files/SampleScience_Player_v1_Product_Image_500px.png)
It took a while but Orion Sound Module replacement is finally here and it's called the SampleScience Player (http://www.samplescience.ca/2017/10/samplescience-player.html)! A free 200 instruments/3 gigs (5 gigs compressed to FLAC) rompler. The biggest free rompler currently available in terms of number of sounds. The SampleScience Player contain all the sounds available in Orion Sound Module plus an additional 100 playable sounds! Thanks to lossless FLAC compression, the plugin instrument is only 3 gigs in size while having double the sounds of Orion Sound Module. It sounds as good because a lot of problems found in Orion SM have been fixed. Hopefully, they have all been fixed. Audio demos: https://soundcloud.com/samplesciencemtl/sets/samplescience-player-audio-demos (https://soundcloud.com/samplesciencemtl/sets/samplescience-player-audio-demos) The SampleScience Player's sounds are classified by categories:
Instrument list (txt file): https://goo.gl/gEPyJE (https://goo.gl/gEPyJE) Download it here for free: https://goo.gl/Ch1pBT (https://goo.gl/Ch1pBT) (Enter zero in the price field to get it for free.) |