Title: Operation Space Dust(007) Post by: elwoodblues91 on January 19, 2020, 11:16:50 PM In this episode of Bond.....007 teams up with NASA and Elon Musk,in a joint venture to a pilgrimage to Mars.James's involvement,is that a sinister foreign power,has secretly launched a spacecraft to Mars 5 years ago.Upon the enemy's arrival(as it were)...they had set up a synthetic cold fusion device(an artificial sun).....for the purpose of burning out the Earth,in an effort to wipe the slate clean....so that they could procreate their own "perfect" society.
Unbeknownst to Bond....shortly before their launch into outer space,the enemy had infiltrated one of the facilities at NASA and had replaced Bond's cyanide pill with a PCP pill.Midway through the journey to Mars...there was a hull breach on the shuttle and Bond was jettisoned from the spacecraft,with only his spacesuit to sustain him. Fearing the worst....Bond took what he thought was a cyanide pill,but of course,he was blitzed out of his mind on PCP(as if space travel isn't weird enough,in a sober state of mind.) Title: Re: Operation Space Dust(007) Post by: folderol on January 20, 2020, 06:02:22 PM Still very much form with the Bond themes, like the 'wobbly', slightly drunk atmosphere later. ;D
Title: Re: Operation Space Dust(007) Post by: elwoodblues91 on January 20, 2020, 10:53:17 PM Still very much form with the Bond themes, like the 'wobbly', slightly drunk atmosphere later. ;D Thanks Will. 8) Title: Re: Operation Space Dust(007) Post by: MarioD on January 25, 2020, 02:26:21 PM Sci-Fi music at its best. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Excellent work Thom. Title: Re: Operation Space Dust(007) Post by: elwoodblues91 on January 25, 2020, 11:15:24 PM Thanks, Mario. :)