Kara-Moon Forum

Music Auditorium => Ambient,Trance => Topic started by: elwoodblues1969 on August 13, 2007, 02:48:40 AM

Title: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on August 13, 2007, 02:48:40 AM
This is a song that I wrote while reminiscing my trip to Hawaii years ago.
It's a reggae/ambient type song.

Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elv on August 16, 2007, 01:20:59 PM
This tracks just screams for vocals, great sound you have at 0:20

Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on August 16, 2007, 06:33:38 PM
Thanks for the comments,Elv. ;D

Yeah,once I get my hands on a Fusion,I just may add some vocals at some point.


Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: folderol on August 18, 2007, 08:46:23 PM
Got to agree with this. I like the jumpy bass line. It makes a lot of difference.

Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on August 19, 2007, 02:42:04 AM
This song was originally a "Elton John" type of song,that I wrote 20 years ago,but about a week earlier,I had this reggae sequence just pop into my head at random and I immediately went to my keyboard to lay down the idea & this was the result.


Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: folderol on August 19, 2007, 07:35:03 PM
I find this sort of think tends to happen at around 2am :(

I have been known to immediately pad downstairs and fire up the pooter to get at least the framework recorded!

Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on August 19, 2007, 08:52:26 PM
Well,sacrificing a good night's sleep is a small price to pay to lay down a good idea and I know for myself,I won't be able to fall back asleep until I proliferate that idea into music.
To quote a phrase of a poet; "I believe in a long,prolonged derangement of the senses to attain the unknown"

Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: rharv on August 20, 2007, 09:31:01 AM
I could use a little moe of the 'pluck sound' and a little less of the guitar chord whack, but a nice feel to it.
 I really like the change at the end; that is an original groove.

Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on August 20, 2007, 04:16:04 PM
Yeah,I agree,but guitar sounds on a keyboard are a pain in the butt,as it requires alot of tweaking and there is only so much one can do with the effects on this Korg.
Sometimes I manage to pull off a surprising replica of a gtr. sound,but for the most part,the effects processor in this keyboard is pretty limited.

Glad that you dig my groove though. ;D


Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: MarioD on September 08, 2007, 01:50:15 AM
I could use a little moe of the 'pluck sound' and a little less of the guitar chord whack, but a nice feel to it.

Also as suggested earlier a vocal might be a nice addition.  That or possibly a Hawaiian lap steel guitar and/or some steel drums might be in order.  Remember this is just me nitpicking as the song was very good as is.   

I really did like the ending.  Great job - MarioD

Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on September 08, 2007, 04:43:13 AM
Thanks for the thumbs up Mario.I probably will do more to this song when I have the additional recording capabilities.As it is now in my set up,I don't have an audio recorder,but I will have one soon.


Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: Laguna Rising on September 18, 2007, 06:26:06 PM
Hi Elwood
I like the structure of this song and the arrangement. I think this above the average song posted here, I'm a bit uncertain about the sounds, almost too clean imho, it's a bit aseptic, so I wait for you to set up your home studio in order to record audio.
I think you could add vocals and guitar. This is really well done so far


Title: Re: Edge Of The Earth
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on September 18, 2007, 10:05:48 PM
Thanks for the comments Mr. Rising. 8)

I will in fact,add vocals,but as far as including an acoustic guitar,well,I don't play guitar & there is no one I know that is in close proximity to me to come in and fit the bill.
The electric gtr. sound is obviously a keyboard patch as well,which is not a very convincing sound either,so if I were to hunt down a guitar player-I might as well have that person do the electric part as well.

I understand where you are coming from,as for example,I don't like going out to see a band do a live performance and to hear someone trying to improvise an acoustic sound using a keyboard,module or a playback device of some sort,because
essentially,that show show is not really "live" if something like that is done.

Since the compostion of the gtr sound track is simple,it's easier to replicate & I thought it was usable,but if there was a solo in this song,I would not have chosen to use a gtr. sound at all.
I have no choice but to do everything myself & I am certainly not going to let my acoustic programs on my board go to waste-I paid for them,so I am going to utilize them to the best of my ability.

Don't misunderstand though,as I welcome your input and I do appreciate it. :)
