Title: Christmas has been cancelled Post by: folderol on November 01, 2020, 03:10:45 PM Well, pretty much for most of Europe it seems. We're going into lockdown again in the UK, just when preparations are usually at their peak. All thanks to a combination of arrogant numpties and pathetic government.
Commiserations to our American cousins who's government seem to be trying for 'crimes against humanity' status :'( Title: Re: Christmas has been cancelled Post by: bvdp on November 01, 2020, 04:33:15 PM On a positive note: 2020 will soon be over :) Hopefully, 2021 will be better!
Never saw the word "numpties" before and had to race to the dictionary (well, on line versions) to find the meaning. Yup, we have them on this side of the pond as well. Title: Re: Christmas has been cancelled Post by: folderol on December 04, 2020, 06:25:12 PM I certainly hope this will improve. I've just had to tell my sisters I won't be joining them for Christmas this year :(
I'm by far the oldest, and they will have children and grandchildren there. |