Title: 2021 At last! Post by: folderol on January 03, 2021, 12:01:18 PM Well, the most horrible year in living memory is gone.
We're not out of the thicket yet, but things are looking up from the virus point of view. Over here in the mad, mad world of brexit, things are still pretty rocky - interesting that a number of the more strident politicians have been applying for French and Irish nationality :( Still, it is was it is. I hope our American cousins fare better once the madman is out. Title: Re: 2021 At last! Post by: bvdp on January 03, 2021, 04:39:28 PM According to the madman himself, he's not leaving :) I feel so sorry for my good neighbors to the south for this craziness ... but, the majority (sort of) of them voted for him in 2016 ... so, what more is there to say?
I don't see brexit doing any good for you UK musicians ... just harder to get over the continent for a gig or 2? But, YAHOO, with vaccines rolling out we should be back to some kind of normal this spring. Like the rest of you, I really can't wait! Title: Re: 2021 At last! Post by: elwoodblues91 on January 06, 2021, 01:53:52 AM Well....last year has certainly tested the bounds of reality & has really challenged my mental metal.On the upside and oddly enough,I have flourished in terms of income(with my foodstamps increasing by 400% and of course,the stimulus checks I've received....so I have managed to put quite a sum of money away and plan to use it to delve back into my musical hobbies after quite an extended respite.
To quote Howard Jones;"Things Can Only Get Better." |