Title: My Return To Music... Post by: elwoodblues91 on April 02, 2021, 07:47:39 PM I had planned to return to my studio to burn the mid-day & midnight oil after a long hiatus back in February....but presumably,my keyboard shipment has been continually delayed,due to the Covid crisis.Since I had sold off my previous hardware & midi controller keyboards,I had nothing to work with....& now,my next Korg keyboard has been bumped up to yet another month from now(due in May)....& I just cannot wait any longer.
I then placed an order for a rather smart looking midi controller keyboard for a mere $119 (Nektar Impact GX61 61-key)...which is quite an extraordinary keyboard,as it has all of the essential physical controls I need(without all of the fancy fluff) and Nektar is notorious for their plug & play setup app and also comes with a Bitwig DAW! Should receive it within a couple of days & am very excited to begin making music again.By the way....I've kept in touch with Oren on Facebook and he is considering rejoining us here @ K-M....but there are no assurances on that. (https://i.imgur.com/FomqGpg.png) (https://i.imgur.com/E0VD3Vk.png) Title: Re: My Return To Music... Post by: offthewall on April 02, 2021, 08:00:21 PM I look forward to hearing you back again amongst 'We Few'.
It's been a long lay off for you, my friend. Good news about Oren. I did, indeed, authorise his new membership just the other day but he hasn't been back to look in as yet. Title: Re: My Return To Music... Post by: elwoodblues91 on April 02, 2021, 08:06:29 PM Thanks James...it will be great to be back and hopefully collaborations will abound,once again. 8)
Title: Re: My Return To Music... Post by: Oren2 on April 03, 2021, 02:50:50 AM Good to connect with "The Mad Tone-Twister" last week. We will create havock with your new machine, mi amigo...
Title: Re: My Return To Music... Post by: folderol on April 03, 2021, 09:48:30 PM Good Lord! It's a flash mob :o
Guess I'll have to step up my game now :D |