Title: MMA 20.12.2 Now Available Post by: bvdp on April 05, 2021, 09:57:46 PM I've posted MMA 20.12.2 on the website:
https://mellowood.ca/mma/downloads.html#developer Please read the website blurb for what's new, etc. Currently, I am writing a few more documentation files for groove writers and to clarify some of the issues with 6/8 and other time signatures ... this will be in the next release. You comments and suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. Title: Re: MMA 20.12.2 Now Available Post by: sciurius on April 06, 2021, 09:07:46 AM Thanks.
RPMs in the usual place: https://www.squirrel.nl/pub/MMA/ . Title: Re: MMA 20.12.2 Now Available Post by: folderol on April 06, 2021, 12:56:39 PM Onwards and upwards, as they say 8)
... but sometimes onwards and sideways ;D Title: Re: MMA 20.12.2 Now Available Post by: bvdp on April 06, 2021, 04:02:24 PM So long as I'm not going downwards I feel good ... just remember that it's graves that are really downward :)
Title: Re: MMA 20.12.2 Now Available Post by: Oren2 on April 06, 2021, 08:00:47 PM Lovely - thanks for this, sir!