Title: Happy 2023! Post by: sciurius on January 01, 2023, 02:47:41 PM I wish you all a lot of beautiful music.
Title: Re: Happy 2023! Post by: bvdp on January 01, 2023, 04:00:22 PM I really know, in the depth of my heart, that 2023 will be better than 2022!
Frankly, it can't get worse for us here. We had lots of excitement of the of the negative type when our car went over an embankment (too much ice and snow on the road will do that). Fortunately, no one suffered any injuries ... but the car was a total write-off. The short story here is that the insurance company really dragged their feet, but we're finally seeing the end of that and we have a new replacement car coming in the next 7 to 10 days. Life will be much simpler after that. The upshot is that I've had to spend so much time on negative things I've had neither the time or the inclination to do much music related stuff. That has now ended up and I can return to being busy with all the "right stuff". So, yes, 2023! Bring it on. Title: Re: Happy 2023! Post by: folderol on January 03, 2023, 09:53:34 AM Commiserations on the accident (and insurance company), and glad you're all OK.
2023 bring it on :- |