Kara-Moon Forum

Music Auditorium => From the Shadows... => Topic started by: MarioD on August 14, 2023, 12:02:07 AM

Title: Floating in Space
Post by: MarioD on August 14, 2023, 12:02:07 AM
You and your crew are exploring strange new worlds and going places where no one has gone before.  All is fine as stars, planets, nebulae, and black holes pass by leaving an echo in your wake. You are cruising at Spinal Tap Warp 11. Suddenly you enter unexplored deep space and an eerie feeling comes over you and your crew, like someone is watching you,  Is it really happening or just a weird felling?  Are they in danger.? Will your spaceship and crew survive?  Or are they doomed?  I don't know, I write the music not the screenplay!

I am playing the guitar track and via my keyboard the theremin track. Band-in-a-Box is supplying the balance of the tracks.


Title: Re: Floating in Space
Post by: folderol on August 16, 2023, 05:13:36 PM
Very unusual this one. Way outside your normal style - good work!

Title: Re: Floating in Space
Post by: MarioD on August 16, 2023, 05:49:45 PM
Thanx Will.

Yep, I am doing some experimentation so I'm glad you liked this one.