Title: Gone quiet again :( Post by: folderol on September 19, 2023, 09:37:06 AM It seems it's mostly just Mario and me lately. I keep trying to plug the forum to other musos elsewhere, but don't seem to gain any traction.
It's very sad :'( Title: Re: Gone quiet again :( Post by: offthewall on September 19, 2023, 01:00:32 PM Blame me if you like.
I get sick of apologising for my absence even though I check in (for problems) almost daily still. I been having a bad old year with family issues, computer woes and much else. Hardly done any music. Just seem to have lost the muse just now. On top of all that the other forum that I have used for the past 10 years or so has been going through a complete make-over which has left it in a total mess. The owner has gone AWOL with the place in disarray which hasn't helped my equilibrium at all. If it all goes bust I might be sending multiple new members this way! Anyway. Sorry again. I will try to be back when I get (something resembling) a mojo back. |