Title: New Bandcamp Album in progress Post by: folderol on September 20, 2023, 11:44:11 AM This will be simply titled "Arram Koth" and will have updated versions of all three of the existing tracks I've released based on the theme, a few others re-purposed and updated, along with quite a few completely new tracks, bringing the total to 10.
All of them will have part of the story. The main theme is: " Arram Koth is a fabled ancient city somewhere in deep space. Many have searched. Few have found it, and even fewer return. Those that return have been rejected by the city and its denizens. They retain only a hazy memory of having been there. The city is, in fact, a benign living entity, but this is only known by a few highly sensitive life-forms who communicate with it. Between them, unknown, they provide for the many other disparate residents. " Here is the one that will close the album. " The Ethereal Visitors arrive, and to everyone's surprise they are somewhat subdued. They have now visited all life forms in this universe and are leaving. They've been here since its creation and will continue their search in other dimensions. They will always remember the city and its peoples with great fondness. Just a few starlives later the city decides it must also move on, and closes the gate to this dimension taking all it's denizens with it. " Title: Re: New Bandcamp Album in progress Post by: MarioD on September 20, 2023, 03:35:51 PM Will, this sounds like a sad farewell communicated by the city and all of its denizens to the rest of the universe as the gates close.
Excellent work Will. Title: Re: New Bandcamp Album in progress Post by: folderol on September 21, 2023, 06:30:07 PM Thanks Mario. You got the idea perfectly :)