Title: Peaceful Sleep Post by: MarioD on November 26, 2023, 04:25:27 PM As the grandfather clock ticks off the minutes you fall into a peaceful sleep while you are watching the news on your TV.
Actually I made some adjustments to the Swam Violin sounds and I would like your opinion on if they sound more realistic. I am playing the Swam violin via my keyboard controller while Band-in-a-Box supplies the backing tracks. https://soundcloud.com/mario_guitar/peaceful-sleep Title: Re: Peaceful Sleep Post by: folderol on November 26, 2023, 06:25:46 PM I think it's a bit better, but such a distinctive type of instrument is extremely difficult to emulate, so don't beat yourself up over it!
Title: Re: Peaceful Sleep Post by: MarioD on November 26, 2023, 08:20:51 PM Thanx Will. I'm not going to beat myself up over it but I just wanted honest appraisals of the instruments tone. I know I'll never get it to sound exactly like a violin. I will say that I am a little disappointed in the Swam solo string instruments as their trumpet and sax instruments sound a lot more realistic.
Title: Re: Peaceful Sleep Post by: bvdp on November 27, 2023, 12:46:44 AM I think it's a bit better, but such a distinctive type of instrument is extremely difficult to emulate, so don't beat yourself up over it! Agreed. Violin is hard. Period. Things like sax and trumpet are much easier to fake ... unless you get into effects, and then all bets are off. |