Title: For Burns night (25th) Post by: offthewall on January 23, 2024, 01:44:30 PM Not doing much at all just now but this is one I made in time for Burns Night celebrations on 25th. (Robbie Burns, Scotland national poet)
The place I do things now has a new 'share link' system so am trying it out here to see if it works easily. Link should take you to a player page with artwork, lyrics, etc. https://www.kompoz.com/radio/release/1365462 Title: Re: For Burns night (25th) Post by: MarioD on January 23, 2024, 02:33:11 PM As usual James everything sounds great.
The new site looks good but FWIW I missed seeing you playing our instruments. PS - I know what you mean as I have a few of my band members and collaborators join the big band in the sky. Unfortunately that happens when you are as old as I am. Title: Re: For Burns night (25th) Post by: folderol on January 23, 2024, 09:53:30 PM Very nicely done - as usual! Good subject material for the date (and also quite relevant with our current crop of politicians) :(