Title: March KVR - theme is "Hell" Post by: folderol on March 14, 2024, 04:41:33 PM This is my effort. Hopefully appropriately oppressive!
Title: Re: March KVR - theme is "Hell" Post by: MarioD on March 30, 2024, 02:06:03 PM A very well produced piece of music that was mixed extremely well.
FWIW here is my opinion. Note this is just my opinion and others may not agree with me. 1-I thought the first section was fantastic. I would have called it "The March of the Warriors of Hell". 2-I thought that the organ part near the end, although well played and produced, took the song from the depths of hell to more of a heavenly feel. If that was your intention then I retract all of my opinions. Regardless Will I did enjoy this. Title: Re: March KVR - theme is "Hell" Post by: folderol on March 30, 2024, 08:24:20 PM Thanks Mario... not quite what I intended. I tried to make the organ part at the end rather like the organ sound you used to get in some dramatic horror films, but hey, if you enjoyed it anyway it's all good :)
Title: Re: March KVR - theme is "Hell" Post by: MarioD on March 30, 2024, 10:30:02 PM Thanks Mario... not quite what I intended. I tried to make the organ part at the end rather like the organ sound you used to get in some dramatic horror films, but hey, if you enjoyed it anyway it's all good :) FWIW if that was your intent that personally I would have added some heavy distortion to that organ. Just personal differences that's all ;) |