Title: Bob and I on 3-24 Post by: MarioD on April 01, 2024, 03:31:07 PM My friend Bob came over on Sunday, 3/24, and started to jam a chord progression that I immediately recorded. As I was adding effects to said progression he started to play a lead. It was a super lead but since he does not use picks the recording of his lead was extremely low. Instead of messing around with preamps and such I gave him my Harley Benton fake Gretsch guitar, which is always ready to record: I wanted to get as close to a first take as I could. I played my SX Fretless bass and via my keyboard controller the violin. Band-in-a-Box supplied the piano track.
https://soundcloud.com/mario_guitar/bob-and-i-on-3-24 Title: Re: Bob and I on 3-24 Post by: folderol on April 02, 2024, 07:22:22 PM Very nice work, both of you :)
Title: Re: Bob and I on 3-24 Post by: MarioD on April 02, 2024, 07:59:05 PM Thanx Will.