Title: Tunnel to the Mysterious Kingdom Post by: MarioD on April 14, 2024, 03:34:19 PM The Tunnel to the Mysterious Kingdom is enticing. It beckons you to enter, but what is on the other side? No one knows as no one has ever returned from the Mysterious Kingdom.
I am playing the bass, guitar, and via my breath and keyboard controllers the Swam Barocco flute. Band-in-a-Box is supplying the balance of the tracks. https://soundcloud.com/mario_guitar/tunnel-to-the-mysterious-kingdom Title: Re: Tunnel to the Mysterious Kingdom Post by: folderol on April 16, 2024, 03:24:48 PM Nice work Mario - particularly when the flute comes in.
Title: Re: Tunnel to the Mysterious Kingdom Post by: MarioD on April 16, 2024, 07:48:53 PM Thanx so much Will.
I do like those Swam VSTis. |