Title: City Night Life Post by: MarioD on July 15, 2024, 08:07:52 PM After a hard day at the office some city dwellers loosen their ties, head to a jazz lounge, order the beverage of their choice, and listen to the music. This maybe what they heard!
I am playing me fretless bass and via my breath and keyboard controllers the Swam Alto Sax. Band-in-a-Box is playing the backing tracks with MIDI sounds that I have chosen. https://soundcloud.com/mario_guitar/city-night-life Title: Re: City Night Life Post by: folderol on July 18, 2024, 08:27:59 PM Instant atmosphere - I can almost smell the tobacco and beer ;D
Title: Re: City Night Life Post by: MarioD on July 18, 2024, 11:59:55 PM Thanx Will.