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 on: December 21, 2024, 02:54:36 PM 
Started by folderol - Last post by MarioD
The perfect last song for the forum.
Great job gentlemen.

 on: December 21, 2024, 01:38:38 PM 
Started by MarioD - Last post by folderol
Nice work. I'd say it sort-of sits between the two.

 on: December 21, 2024, 12:56:24 AM 
Started by MarioD - Last post by MarioD
Error on the Side of Cool started out as a cool era jazz song, but now I think it is more smooth jazz.  I'll let you decide what genre this should be placed.
Via my breath and keyboard controller I am playing the Swam trumpet and tenor sax.  Band-in-a-Box is supplying the balance of the tracks using my sound sources.


 on: December 19, 2024, 01:58:12 PM 
Started by folderol - Last post by folderol
I was doing a bit of file tidying on my computer and stumbled across this again. It dates back to 2011 and seems sort of appropriate right now - especially the last line of the song.

 on: December 19, 2024, 09:26:28 AM 
Started by Moon - Last post by folderol
Unfortunately there isn't.
Bandcamp needs a single identity (a person or company) for notifications, and possible payments which have to go via paypal.
Having said that, it has the unique property of allowing you to set zero as a minimum payment - which I've done with my tracks on a number of occasions.

 on: December 18, 2024, 09:29:50 PM 
Started by Moon - Last post by offthewall
I'm quite intrigued by Bandcamp but can't seem to find the information I want about it.
Wonder if you might be able to point me the right direction?
I see the ease of use, and benefits, for solo performers but is there anywhere for the way I usually work?
That is, to list songs by 'groups' of people who are not necessarily a 'band'.

 on: December 18, 2024, 08:40:44 AM 
Started by folderol - Last post by folderol
Probably my very last entry into Kara-Moon. I hope you like it.

 on: December 18, 2024, 08:35:43 AM 
Started by Moon - Last post by folderol
In A similar vein, I've greatly enjoyed my time here, the friends I've made and a number of collaborations I joined in with over the years.

I also occasionally post on KVR - particularly the Music Cafe contests.
Another Music site I'm on is the Sound-On-Sound one - a very friendly place.

I have a few tracks on Soundcloud, but don't much like the way it seems to be going.

These days, I put much of my own work on bandcamp. I like the setup where listeners get several free plays of any tracks, and if they like them enough can then pay a small amount to download them in a high quality format of their choice.

So, best wishes to you all in the coming years, and never forget:
You can take people out of music, but you can never take music out of people.

 on: December 17, 2024, 09:23:35 PM 
Started by Moon - Last post by offthewall
For anyone who wants to stay in touch I already left my email.
If anyone wants somewhere new to hang out to make music you can always try:

Got to admit it's not as good and open as it used to be but is still one of the best music places around.

IF anyone wants to keep ip to date with what I work on you can always check out:

Best of luck to all of you, my long-time friends.
It's been a great ride over the years and been sad to see so many of our contemporaries slip away.

 on: December 16, 2024, 08:34:26 AM 
Started by folderol - Last post by folderol
Thanks Mario.
The very best wishes for you in the coming years too.

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