The other day,I have been told by my sales rep,that there were only 3 Alesis Ions left in stock & I made an attempt to lay down a deposit on one to hold it for a month,but my rep told me he could not hold it that long,because of the upcoming holidays.
He told me that he would keep me updated on the supply of this board & today he called to inform me that there was only one left!
I then decided to postpone paying off some of my bills to set aside the money & I asked him if he could hold it for a week until my next pay-day.
He accommodated my request & that's what I call customer service!
I did put myself in a financial pickle though,as my paranoia set in about wondering what the availability of this keyboard will be like in the future.
All that I know at this point,is that it's still in production,but Alesis is not revealing to anyone as to when they will ship out more Ions.
Alesis is a certifiable nightmare to deal with directly,as they give vague,yes or no answers,or they just brush you off completely & even Sweetwater finds Alesis to be a terrible pain in the *ss.
However though,once a product is purchased through Sweetwater-they are the only company you have to deal with for product support,so that is why I deal with Sweetwater mainly.
I think the Ion is the best product Alesis has made in recent years & given the aforementioned situation,I just had to jump on this opportunity-as otherwise,there's no telling when another Ion will be could be as long as several months for all anyone knows.
All that being said,my Ion should be arriving the 19th of this month!!