My questions:
Would there be any advantage in changing the internal bit depth and sampling rate in Audacity and Ardour to 24/48?
Are projects destined for CD, MP3, or Ogg Vorbis files with a sampling rate of 44.1 kilohertz best recorded and mixed in my digital audio workstation at 44.1 kilohertz?
Back to the origins of the thread, and the conclusions (based on some excellent advice, both here on this thread and via e-mail):
Most modern "digital audio workstations" process sound
internally at a 32-bit floating point bit-depth. This is good, and should not be altered.
internal sampling rate of a "digital audio workstation" will usually default to 44.1KHz. For all but the most demanding and specialized work, 44.1KHz is adequate to produce world-class audio.(I have experimented with sampling rates up to 96KHz, and cannot hear the difference

An accessory issue which is often confused with my original question is:
What choice of bit-depth and sampling rate is best for the "digital audio files"(wave files) we use? Although many of us who are striving to produce an exceptional audio experience are working with 24bit/48KHz wave files, most listeners and producers(including me) find that 16bit/44.1KHz wave files are entirely adequate to produce big, rich, detailed sound.
Thanks to everyone who contributed information, opinions, and advice
