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Author Topic: Ethereal  (Read 19090 times)
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 5444

...just looking for clues...

« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2011, 04:46:47 PM »

... I really love guitar (electric, acoustic and bass) but it's one of those sounds that is hard to immitate (not impossible, but to do it correctly on keyboard you have to have so much knowledge of the playing style of those musicians and you have to spend so much work on getting it to sound natural that I mostly give up). I've gotten myself a cheap guitar though and I'm learning a few simple things so my aim is to combine simulation and some real play into what hopefully sounds convincing or at least interesting. Still, a real guitarist can add so much more...

This one, to my ear, is perfect.
There is a charm to the synthetic guitar - very percussive, characterful and uncomplicated. The production of the song is as much an artistic statement as the music itself, and deserves to be enjoyed in its own right.
Bottom line: don't mess with it, friend, you have a winner here... wOO

Marc JX8P
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 1087

« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2011, 09:49:29 PM »

Thanks Oren! Well - I suppose after all the feedback I should leave this one alone then. I believe the trick to a good synthetic guitar is to go with what the sound dictates, not trying to force the sound to what you want as a sample will lack the flexibility to pull that off convincingly. In this case it was a really simple sample but I liked it's sound and it's perfect for percussive simple lines. Sometimes you'll discover a sound that just fits what you want a sound to be; there's a few guitar sounds in Omnisphere that fit that bill (including a just amazing blues guitar sound that's on another one of the new tracks).

Also known as Marc JXP
SLD Music
Full Member
Posts: 182

« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2011, 01:34:04 PM »

I like this track alot.  Great production, with some very cool bass synth stuff.  You're much more proficient with incorporating a sampled guitar than I am (no big surprise).  I thought it sounded pretty good!
Marc JX8P
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 1087

« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2011, 05:03:21 PM »

Thank you! Smiley

Also known as Marc JXP
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