I have an AKG Perception 100 micophone-designed in Austria,made in China.I have a pair of Adam A7's-which are considered among the most reliable & accurate monitors on the market...designed in Germany,manufactured overseas(probably China).
Most of what these two companies make,are made in thier home country,but these two particular products are the exception and they are built exceptionally well...I can't speak for 10 years down the road,but I suspect that they will fair well(not all quality control overseas is the same).
I've owned Korg keyboards for 20 years and never had a single problem(the memory card fiasco in an earlier post was operator error).
Korg is manufactured in Japan and thier products are among some of the most reliable out there.
You're right,Americans do make alot of money and I live in a state that has some of the most wealthiest people per capita in the nation,but I'm not one of them.
I make $843.oo a month on my permanent disablity check & I'm retired,due to my disability...car insurance & rent in this state is astronomically high and the only reason I can afford to live in this state,is due to the fact that I was fortunate enough to find susbidized housing.
The rent here is $1100.oo a month,but I pay $213.oo & the state pays the rest.
For the merchandise you bought,it's smart to buy used & something like headphones & monitors are harmless enough to take a chance on used,but in general,I'm not that trusting and I'm afraid to buy something on Ebay & leaving myself open to getting shafted and having no warranty is a bummer.
I would consider maybe purchasing a Clavia Nord Lead 2X used,but I can't think of too much else I would want to take risks on.
Recently,Americans were given economic stimulus check rebates by the government,so between that & Zzounds.com's payment plans,I chose to go with new products.
Another thing to think about too,is the American dollar is terribly weak in buying power,because of the tremendous amount of outsourcing that goes on in this country,so you'd be hard pressed to find what you want that's made in this country and for those like me who are just scraping by & living in a affluent area,my options are limited.
I would love for Kurzweil to be American made,but as things are now,if Kurzweil was American made,I'd be paying $10,000 for a keyboard that is now $2,000 and if it was American made,I would not even be able to afford buying it used.
Your input is noble,ideal & smart friend,but it's hard enough combing through the market to find exactly what you need,without seriously limiting your options by solely relying on used products.
Nice conversing with you,