Azell, that was some very nice sax playing. I’m assuming it was a real sax and not your wind controller. If it was your wind controller what was your sound source? Thanx in advance for your time.
Nope, it is here wind controller
connected to the Yamaha Vl70m sound module. The Vlm is
not the standard Yamaha module, it is equipped with the TURBO VL Upgrade chip for the Yamaha VL70-m from Patchman music : sound module give good sound especially sax, flute and clarinet. The horn sections are also pretty good, you can hear them in the blues song we did with James.
Already 'out of the box' they sound pretty good, but we spend weeks to reprogram the patches to adapt them to here playing style. And sometimes we still tweak them a bit to a particular song.
Thanks for the comments