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Author Topic: External Midi Sequencer Module,or Software?  (Read 7042 times)
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478

Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.

« on: October 05, 2007, 01:36:38 AM »

Being that the Kurzweil I want,recently went up in price and being that I still want both the Kurzweil & Nord,I decided once & for all,that I'd be happiest setting aside the cash for the Nord and at some point,acquire a credit card to pay for the Kurzweil.
Once I get the Nord,I would like to have the option to use pattern sequencing to arrange songs,only using the Nord sounds.

If someone could give me some input as to which method of sequencing would be easier and/or cheaper,sequencing module,or pc software for sequencing?
I really don't know anything about either one.

Any and all advice would be most appreciated.



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Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 1059

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« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 01:48:50 AM »

PC software will be much cheaper than a module.
 There are freebies..and of course there is Powertracks, my personal one-stop does all sequencer that handles midi and audio really well.
It's at http://www.pgmusic.com/powertracks.htm for under $50.  I do beta testing for them for every new version. Done that for a lot of years and think it's a pretty good recording software/sequencer.  Everything that comes out of here is pretty much done in Powertracks one way or another..
« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 01:52:03 AM by rharv » Logged

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Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478

Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.

« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 02:30:06 AM »

Thanks Bob,I'll have to check that out.

Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 5396

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« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 08:30:31 PM »

I think it's somewhat a 'horses for courses' situation. A module is ideal for portability on live gigs etc, but a good PC based software sequencer gives you much more control, and is a lot easier to handle in my experience.

How about a compromise?
Use a software one in the studio and create MIDI files that can be transferred to the module (assuming it can handle MIDI) for live performances.

If you have a poem, I have a tune, and we exchange these, we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
- Will
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478

Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.

« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 10:46:40 PM »

Thanks for the suggestion Folderol,as that is a very pragmatic idea,but for my situation which is strictly studio,I'm going to go with one or the other.

Since I have neither and since I am on a budget,I have no desire to have both.

Software would probably be the ideal choice for me if I had a more powerful pc to handle the load and if I had a audio interface-& if I were comptuer-savy.

As it is now with my pc,it's only has a 40gb hard drive & has a AMD Sempron processor,which is almost 4 years old now.

Also,my pc is not integrated into my studio set up-meaning that I have a seperate area for my pc,which means I would have a jungle of wires in my room,which would be encumbersome if I had wires running across my room like that.

The more I think about,the more practical it seems to get a module,as due to my particular situation,it will probably run me about the same amount of money either way.
I still have yet to price it all out,but I would need to upgrade my pc tower,buy an audio interface & then decide how much to spend on software.

I still have alot to learn yet with regard to pc's anyway,so I don't know if I want to complicate things for myself any further...I've never been the type to be a computer geek,so I like to keep things simple if I can.


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