My good friends, I see you enjoyed this thingie... Me too !
Fred S, with your comment you show one of my working methods. You move around the order of samples and get a new result. Even 1/8 or 1/16 of movement in timing causes a mountain of difference !
Offthewall, rather than a back-yard full of first class singers and being a first class musician, I have first class software (even the free ones) !
Those software tools we have right now are so amazing ! And one can see clearly what one is doing.
In the end everything is reduced to a sample or loop.
Sometimes I just record 2 tracks, improvising along with the song and then throw away the rubbish and keep the 'sparkles'. Afterwards itīs just a question of timing. Putting the right thing on the right spot.
As Ellington said : "You donīt mean a thing if you ainīt got that swing".
So obviously the secret is all in the timing...
Now something about the vocals...
I allways start with the instruments and then adapt the vocals to the song.
In fact I make them sing my song, with the aid of the Logic pitch shifter or Melodyne, cutting and pasting.
I know explaining tricks is bad for the magic, but since I have no Madonna or Prince ambitions...
Try this one : very few singers hit the notes perfectly. Thereīs allways a little fluctuation.
Keep that track, but make also a perfect track with note correction.
Use them both and you get a hell of a singer !
What helps me the most is listening from a distance to the song Iīm working on. I put it on 'loop', up with the volume, push play, leave the studio doors open, go to the living room, kitchen or garden and give it an audition.
IMO this works better and is cheaper than compairing through different monitors...
This way you can hear clearly if the balance is OK, weak and strong points, if it punches-pumps enough, etc...
BTW I worked 5 days on this song.
Now I must flash away to do some things for the 'missus', as allways too busy; I hope I can a moment to vote, but...
Max... .. .