My Ion arrived at 1:02pm today,& I have not been this excited since I first got my Korg Triton Extreme!
My initial impressions are this;
When I first pulled it of the box,I was stunned at how heavy this keyboard is!
This synth really is built like a tank & you feel just how well it was made-just by the sheer weight of it.
The pitch & modulation wheels are solid & smooth as silk to operate with-with a very nice grippable surface to them.
All of the other controls like the knobs & buttons, are also solid & smooth.
Every time you touch a control,the changes are displayed on the screen-something of which I had never experienced before.
The bulit in effects processor is very basic,but the Ion still manages to sound incredible,because of the extraordinary quality in the software programs-just like the Nord Lead!!
Some of the drum sounds & sound effects are a bit on the weak & bland side,but these types of programs are not the reason why I chose this synth.
However though,they're are still a few surprising nice drum & effect sounds anyway.
All in all,most of the programs are unbelievably excellent & inspiring-which provide me with all of the creative possiblities that are not possible on my Korg.
The fact that a company like Alesis,with all of thier flawed products,managed to come up with such a beautiful keyboard-from top to bottom,inside & out-is such a mystery-of which I will never figure out,-especially considering how inexpensive it is!
This synth is such an anomaly,that I don't think we will ever see a keyboard like this ever again on the market for $600(USD).
This is the best $600 I have ever spent in my life & the Ion is truly the most unique keyboard,next to the Nord.
If you want a keyboard that can accurately emulate all the great classic keyboards like the Oberheim,Roland Jupiter,Ensonique etc.,-then this keyboard is for you.
Can't wait to get cracking on some new tunes with this little beastie!!