A great overview VG, thank you for your input
Studio Projects B1 - This is generally regarded as one of the better entry level condensers. It's a solid mic for very little money. I have used one a decent amount and it is quite good on acoustic guitars and other acoustic strings. It's pretty neutral sounding to my ears and doesn't impart a lot of character. Because of that it would not be something I would reach for when tracking vocals, but I wouldn't consider it a great hindrance if it was all I had to use either.
Depends on the voice I think....
I use it to record the ladies vox and achieve pretty good result with it, together with the vtb pre-amp
Yes, I tried to get across that it really depends on the voice. Different mics sound good on different people. It also depends on the type of song that you're recording. I wasnt trying to say that it wouldnt work on vocals. I think that if you are willing to learn your tools then you could get good results from any of these mics. The reason that I said what I said about the B1 is that to me vocals were one of it's weaker suits. I thought it better on instruments. That's a personal opinion of course. Have you used it to record anything other than voice? How do you like it there?