I'm in the process of upgrading my operating system from "Gutsy Gibbon" to Ubuntu version 8.04 LTS "Hardy Heron".
Over 800 megabytes of new content. My 3 gigahertz dual core processor will take more than half an hour to install the upgrades, and that's
after downloading the files!
Update: It's here, and it's beautiful, but.....now it's time to reconfigure the audio applications
- more work than I had anticipated, but an opportunity to start fresh and streamline things
Further update: JACK is re-configured; all else seems intact, with no adjustments necessary.
Ardour is greatly improved, with a new screen that is very legible and easy on the eyes.
Firefox is loaded as version 3 Beta 5 - very fast.
Audacity is updated to version 1.3.4, and will now load without interfering with JACK (although still does not show up as a
JACK client)
Rosegarden opened, and immediately asked for "Sox", which I downloaded and installed from the repository.
The updated operating system seems completely functional, and a significant improvement