Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478
Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2008, 03:20:16 PM » |
I'm having alot of fun just using the sounds off of the XioSynth,because it's a great way to learn your way around a new synth,but what's mutually purposeful I think,is that showcasing in this way,is a great method for people to take notice of what a synth is really capable of,as it's clearly the best way for others to decide on what synth to buy. When I find what I believe,to be a great deal,I feel compelled to share that with others-especially so,since in the past,I never really thought much of Novation products,because I had always been so hung up on the synths that had the loudest reputation. If I had not become more open minded to other synths besides Clavia & Access & Korg,I would have missed great oppurtunities to own products like the Alesis Ion & of course,the XioSynth. Of course,I would still love to have an Access Virus,but it came to a point where I realized that if I saved up $1,250 for just a module,I would not be all that happy with it,because deep down,I ultimately want a key bed with my sounds and certainly,spending $2,850 on a 37 key synth is not at all realistic,since I am on a modest income. I saved for 2 years to get my Korg Triton Extreme and that's still my flagship keyboard,but initially,when I set out on my quest for an analogue modeling synth to provide me with sound shaping that my Korg could'nt provide,I was only looking for a single extra keyboard to achieve this.
Even though the Alesis Ion filled that void rather well,I was bitten by the gear lust bug,and I started window-shopping like a madman and became obsessed with analogue modeling.
All that being said,the thought of spending additional years of my life just saving up for a analogue synth that costs as much as my Korg,did not make much sense to me anymore. With this in mind,I researched Novation products and I found more variety with new sounds and I'm very happy with them.
One other revelation I had come to,was that why should I spend almost 3 grand for a synth with 80 voice polyphony,when I'm not that keen on patching keyboards to together for sequencing anyway?
I also plan on buying the Novation X-Station,so between this and the XioSynth,I will have only spent a thousand dollars,which is roughly 1/3 of the cost of the TI Snow 37 key,and $250 dollars less than the TI Snow module.
I still hope to have a Access Virus someday,but really though,it's just a extravagant luxury and merely a pipe dream at this point.
When I think about the Nord Lead I could have had..well..it would have been wonderful to have those magnificent sounds,but having several hundred,upon thousands of sounds-all without program names,would have driven me mad.
Anyways,thanks for your comments,