Hi all, a quick story on how I arrived at this site. I've been looking for something to make background music so I can crack open a beer, plug in my electric guitar and play. I've found several "jam machines'' online but they're extremely limited. While surfing I remembered Sourceforge and that I'd downloaded Gimp (great program btw) from there some time ago. This program seems pretty amazing, however, and I'd like to take a stab at it. I've just been going over the tutorial, and I guess I somewhat understand how to designate notes, chords etc., but I'm having some general issues with where and how to create midi files, how and where to save them, etc. I am running the Windows version. I have zero knowledge of programming, and I feel kinda silly that I can't get through the first part of the tutorial. I consider myself an intermediate computer user (until tonight that is). Would anyone be willing to entertain some extremely newbish and basic questions to help me get started? After I understand the basics, I usually can take it from there.... thanks